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    2024 国际环境监测仪器展览会
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    [展会时间轴]  发布时间:2021/3/17 10:17:08  浏览:58580次
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  • 今天是2024年4月18日 星期四 这里是上海国际工业自动化及工业机器人展览会预告,由系统自动更新仅供参考。纵展网提醒您:因办展存在不可控性导致展会延期无法及时获取更新,参观参展前请务必联系客服/主办方核实确认。纵展网祝您参展愉快!



    主办单位: 中国机械工业联合会(CMIF) 上海中机联展览有限公司(CMEPO)

    举办周期:一年一届 展览面积:130000平方 展商数量:1300家 观众数量:120000人
    全球工业发展已跨入了4.0时代,呈快速发展之势。中国工业市场销量已占到全球总量的五分之一,成为全球**大的工业智能及自动化市场发展国家,中国“智造业”正迎来史无前例的发展机遇,超过半数的企业都属于自动化程度亟待完善的重点行业,这对工业自动化厂商来说是难得的商机,越来越多的工业自动化领军企业也将中国市场作为重要的开拓目标地。 上海和长三角经济圈集中了我国**大的汽车制造、造船、冶金、航空航天、新能源、模具制造、发电和输配电、电子信息产业等工业自动化用户行业,成为自动化企业重点关注并全力拓展的必争之地。


    展商、观众来源: 已经有500多家展商完整覆盖工业自动化全领域,展区严格按照生产及过程自动化、电气系统、机器人技术、工业自动化信息技术及软件、微系统技术等产品大类划分;行业协会提供强势资源支撑,大规模组织企业参展及邀请用户行业买家,同期的中国国际机器人展览会已举办8届,已经积累了近8万的专业买家及观众,共享展示成果。 

    权威主办: 主办方中国机械工业联合会、中国机器人产业联盟联合行业顶尖协会共同举办。 

    展会特色: 目前已多展联办成就完整产业链,与其他专业自动化展相比较,同期同地举办的CIROS2020第9届中国国际机器人展览会及2020上海机床展览会CME展。汇聚500多家用户企业与自动化企业真正实现零距离产业链互动。 同期开展自动化产业顶级峰会及专业论坛。

    以“国际高端会议+行业专业展会”模式,聚焦政府、行业、企业的声音,推动自动化产业的进步。 已联合中国中央电视台、凤凰卫视、东方卫视、上海电视台、**财经、人民日报、中国日报、新华社、新浪、网易、腾讯、中国工业报、自动化网等200多家主流电视台及专业媒体全程跟踪报道,**大提高参展企业的曝光率。 

    工业自动化及工业机器人: A.FA系统及装置:生产自动化,索引表、联轴器、轴承、轴、LM导轨、自动喷嘴、离合器/制动器、变化/减速机、齿轮、 滚珠丝杠、分割器、分配器、气瓶、压缩机、控制阀、执行器; B.传感器与控制:传感器、编码器、计数器、仪器仪表、指示灯、定时器、温度/压力表、流量计、测量测试、PLC、变频器、变频器、开关、控制器、驱动、数控、继电器、温度控制设备灯; C.运动控制与机器人: 伺服电机、直线电机、变频器、步进电机、交流电机、齿轮马达、CNC控制器、运动控制器、机器人 控制器、垂直多关节机器人、弹跳机器人、码垛机器人、工业机器人、机器人的相关设备及部件; D.工业软件:SCADA系统、人机界面、自动识别系统及解决方案、S/W、DCS、MES、DAS、过程监控和控制环境、触摸 面板、现场总线、工控机、触摸屏、嵌入式解决方案、通信板、以太网通信设备、CAD/CAM、CIM; E.液压与气动元件:气缸、压缩机、泵、电动机、控制阀、执行器、工业气动阀、真空系统、喷嘴; F.物流自动化系统:移送机、自动门、升降机、卷扬机、链条、传送带、滚轮、电缆支架、真空吸附移送系统、SCM、ERP、条形码系统、打印机、条形码扫描仪、掌上终端机、产业用PDA、RFID、DPS、POS等。

    机器视觉技术展区: 机器视觉核心部件、智能相机:黑白智能相机、线扫描智能相机、彩色智能相机、CMOS智能相机、ID读码器、图像处理软 件、机器视觉工具软件、工业镜头、FA镜头、高分辨率镜头、图像扫描镜头、光源、LED光源、紫外照明系统、红外光源、图 像处理系统:光学文字、识别系统、自动化/机器人技术、机器视觉集成:字符处理和识别系统、智能视觉、表面检测等;

    3C自动化展区: A.3C自动化设备展区:冲压、钻攻、点胶、焊锡、拧螺丝、雕刻、抛光、喷砂、插件、打磨、平磨、丝印、固化/烘干、贴合、清洗、镀膜、切割、覆膜、贴标、上下料、传送、防静电、包装、搬运等工序的机器人自动化设备等; B.电子制造自动化设备展区:机器人及运动控制设备,自动化设备/配件,传送设备,工具,组装设备及材料; C.SMT 技术和设备展区:印刷设备和附件、贴装设备、元器件供料系统、传输系统和附件、芯片载体、封装设备、固化系统、视觉定位系统、胶粘和涂覆材料、相关化学制品、生产线工具和设备、PCB 制造和装配; D.焊接设备及材料:波峰焊设备、回流焊设备、拉焊设备、融锡锅/锡膏/锡线/ 锡条/锡球、胶水(红胶/黄胶/黑胶)、助焊剂、烙铁头清洁装置/烙铁头、焊台、热风焊接设备、红外焊接设备、激光焊接设备、超声焊接设备、气相焊接设备、焊枪、焊点检测设备、焊点可靠性测试系统、除焊系统、清洗设备及材料; E.测试与测量:2D/3D 检测系统、裸板检测设备、电子元器件视觉检测设备、薄膜厚度检测设备、ICT 设备、AOI 设备、红外检测设备、芯片框架检测设备、光学显微镜、PCB 视觉检测设备、焊点视觉检测设备、温度、湿度测试/环境测试设备、粘度计/示波器/温度计、X-Ray 设备、功能性测试设备等; F.零部件及控制系统展区:伺服电机、步进电机、直线电机、减速机、马达、气动系统、执行器、模组、丝杠、导轨、滑轨、齿轮、皮带、皮带轮、联轴器、离合器、制动器、同步带、紧固件、轴承、凸轮、PLC、SCADA、变频器、数控系统、启动器、传感器、变送器、执行器、远程监控、工业开关、嵌入式系统、机器视觉系统及组件、工业电脑、数据获取及辨别系统、线性定位系统、运动控制系统、机械手、机器人本体等; G.其他展区:ESD 防静电和净化设备、试验设备、条码设备及材料、印制电路板等

    AGV: AGV自动化物流设备及系统、AGV自动搬运车,AGV无人搬运车,全向移动AGV小车,智能AGV小车、磁导航AGV小车、无轨导航AGV小车、智能仓储、磁导航叉车AGV、AGV无人搬运,各类AGV小车、自动导航车、AGV小车附件等

    Sponsored by: China Machinery Industry Federation (CMIF) Shanghai China Machine Association Exhibition Co., Ltd. (CMEPO)

    Period: Annual Exhibition Area: 130,000 square exhibitors Number: 1300 Number of visitors: 120,000 people
    Global industrial development has entered the 4.0 era, showing the trend of rapid development. China's industrial market has accounted for one-fifth of the world's total sales, become the world's largest industrial intelligence and automation market development country, China's "smart manufacturing industry" is ushering in unprecedented opportunities for development, more than half of the enterprises belong to the degree of automation in urgent need of improvement of key industries, which is a rare business opportunity for industrial automation manufacturers, more and more leading industrial automation enterprises will also be the Chinese market as an important target for development. Shanghai and Yangtze River Delta economic circle concentrated on China's largest automobile manufacturing, shipbuilding, metallurgy, aerospace, new energy, mold manufacturing, power generation and distribution, electronic information industry and other industrial automation user industries, automation enterprises focus on and fully expand the must-have.

    In order to promote china's industrial intelligence and automation process, in line with market demand, "Shanghai International Industrial Automation and Industrial Robotics Exhibition SIA" will be held in Shanghai, July 01-04, 2020, the National Convention and Exhibition Center in Shanghai, the perfect interpretation of industrial automation of intelligence and innovation. 

    Exhibitors, audience sources: There have been more than 500 exhibitors completely covering the entire field of industrial automation, exhibition area in strict accordance with production and process automation, electrical systems, robotics, industrial automation information technology and software, microsysyscopy technology and other products divided into categories; 

    Authoritative Sponsor: Sponsored by the China Machinery Industry Federation, China Robotics Industry Alliance jointly organized by the industry's top associations. 

    Features of the exhibition: Has been a multi-exhibition joint achievements of the complete industrial chain, compared with other professional automation exhibition, the same period held in the same place CIROS2020 9th China International Robot Exhibition and 2020 Shanghai Machine Tool Exhibition CME Exhibition. Bringing together more than 500 user enterprises and automation enterprises to truly achieve zero-distance industrial chain interaction. During the same period to carry out the automation industry's top summits and professional forums.

    To "international high-end conferences and industry professional exhibition" model, focusing on the government, industry, enterprise voice, to promote the progress of the automation industry. More than 200 mainstream television stations and professional media, including China Central Television, Phoenix Satellite TV, Oriental TV, Shanghai Tv, First Finance, People's Daily, China Daily, Xinhua News Agency, Sina, NetEase, Tencent, China Industrial Daily and Automation Network, have been tracking the whole process, greatly improving the exposure of exhibitors. 

    The scope of the exhibits
    Industrial Automation and Industrial Robotics: A. FA systems and devices: production automation, index tables, couplings, bearings, shafts, LM rails, automatic nozzles, clutches/brakes, change/decelerators, gears, ball screws, splitters, dispensers, cylinders, compressors, control valves, executors; Sensors and controls: sensors, encoders, counters, instrumentation, indicators, timers, temperature/pressure gauges, flow meters, measurement tests, PLCs, inverters, inverters, switches, controllers, drivers, CNC, relays, temperature control equipment lights; Motion control and robots: servo motors, linear motors, inverters, stepper motors, AC motors, gear motors, CNC controllers, motion controllers, robot controllers, vertical multi-joint robots, bounce robots, palletizing robots, industrial robots, robot-related equipment and components; Industrial software: SCADA systems, human-machine interfaces, automatic identification systems and solutions, S/W, DCS, MES, DAS, process monitoring and control environment, touch panels, field bus, industrial control machines, touch screens, embedded solutions, communication boards, Ethernet communication equipment, CAD/CAM, CIM; Hydraulic and pneumatic components: cylinders, compressors, pumps, motors, control valves, executives, industrial pneumatic valves, vacuum systems, nozzles; Logistics automation system: transfer machine, automatic door, lift, roll-up machine, chain, conveyor belt, roller, cable stand, vacuum adsorption transfer system, SCM, ERP, bar code system, printer, bar code scanner, handheld terminal, industrial PDA, RFID, DPS, POS and so on.

    Machine Vision Technology Exhibition Area: Machine Vision Core Components, Smart Cameras: Black and White Smart Cameras, Line Scan Smart Cameras, Color Smart Cameras, CMOS Smart Cameras, ID Readers, Image Processing Software, Machine Vision Tools Software, Industrial Lenses, FA Lenses, High Resolution Lenses, image scanning lenses, light sources, LED light sources, UV lighting systems, infrared light sources, image processing systems: optical text, recognition systems, automation/robot technology, machine vision integration: character processing and recognition systems, intelligent vision, surface detection, etc.;

    3C Automation Zone: A. 3C automation equipment exhibition area: stamping, drilling, dispensing, soldering, screwing, engraving, polishing, sand blasting, plug-in, grinding, flat grinding, silk printing, curing/drying, bonding, cleaning, coating, cutting, coating, labeling, lifting, transmission, anti-static, packaging, handling and other processes of robot automation equipment B. Electronic manufacturing automation equipment exhibition area: robots and motion control equipment, automation equipment/accessories, transmission equipment, tools, assembly equipment and materials; SMT technology and equipment exhibition area: printing equipment and accessories, mounting equipment, component feeding systems, transmission systems and accessories, chip carriers, packaging equipment, curing systems, visual positioning systems, adhesive and coating materials, related chemicals, production line tools and equipment, PCB manufacturing and assembly; Welding equipment and materials: wave welding equipment, reflow welding equipment, soldering equipment, tin melting pot /tin paste/tin wire/tin strip/tin ball, glue (red glue/yellow glue/black glue), flux, iron head cleaning device / iron head, welding table, hot air welding equipment, infrared welding equipment, laser welding equipment, ultrasonic welding equipment, gas phase welding equipment, welding gun, welding spot detection equipment, welding spot reliability test system, welding system, cleaning equipment and materials; Testing and measurement: 2D/3D detection system, bare plate detection equipment, electronic components visual inspection equipment, film thickness detection equipment, ICT equipment, AOI equipment, infrared detection equipment, chip frame detection equipment, optical microscope, PCB vision detection equipment, solder point visual detection equipment, temperature, humidity testing/environmental testing equipment, viscosity meter/oscilloscope/thermometer, X-Ray equipment, functional test equipment, etc. Parts and control systems exhibition area: servo motors, stepper motors, linear motors, gearboxes, motors, pneumatic systems, drivers, modules, screws, rails, rails, gears, belts, pulleys, couplings, clutches, brakes, synchrotrons, fasteners, bearings, convex Wheels, PLCs, SCADA, inverters, CNC systems, starters, sensors, transmitters, executors, remote monitoring, industrial switches, embedded systems, machine vision systems and components, industrial computers, data acquisition and identification systems, linear positioning systems, motion control systems, robots, robots, etc.; Other exhibition areas: ESD anti-static and purification equipment, test equipment, bar code equipment and materials, printed circuit boards, etc

    AGV: AGV automated logistics equipment and systems, AGV automatic carriers, AGV unmanned vehicles, all-directional mobile AGV cars, intelligent AGV cars, magnetic navigation AGV cars, tractless navigation AGVs, intelligent storage, magnetic navigation forklift AGV, AGV unmanned handling, all kinds of AGVs, automatic navigation vehicles, AGV entendres and so on

    信息来源:会展号 EXPO号  会员:
    信息标签: 上海工业自动化展  
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